Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My live painting demo piece


  1. yes, a beautiful relationship with paint. I mentioned you in an interview I did years ago with John Fleskes. He recently posted it on his site. True painter.

  2. Hi Bill,

    Yes, I read the interview and saw the video. Unfortunately the video is a bit too short. Just as I started to enjoy and learn, it stopped. But the interview is wonderful! The things you talked about sound so familiar. It brought back the memories when I used to work with the acrylic paint, often in a quite similar way. And it also reinforced the feeling of the kindred spirit thing we have with each other. I love the aspect of magic in your approach and your working process. It proofs how important it is to infuse the creative process, and eventually the final results, with magic. Or in other words, not to be afraid of the experimental playfulness, of the unpredictable and the uncontrollable, but instead to respond to it in a way that produces the enrichment.

    And, make no mistake, you are definitely a PAINTER! Hale, Manchess and me, to name those you kindly mentioned in the interview, are painters but, as far as the very technique is concerned, in a rather classical way. You are a more contemporary painter. Although you claim that your painting technique doesn't essentially differ from the old master's technique, nevertheless you gave it a contemporary (twentieth century) twist and came up with you own unique variation. I guess it is a matter of how one interprets the term “painter”. But to me it is obvious that you are a true painter because you think as a painter…and a full-blooded one!

    People, I want to share Bill's interview with you because it is definitely worth reading! Here is the link

  3. Thank you Petar. I am still looking forward to that fateful day when we meet.
